Lunes, Mayo 27, 2013

"I've Found You"

     May 28, 2013. A friend so dear to me and a guy whom I've secretly fallen with in my previous post composed a song with his own melody that is intended for me. I have asked him a song that he promised to me a week before. One thing for sure this song will be forever cherished in my life. Anyway, here's how the lyrics goes:

"I've Found You"

Why is it hard to say
The words that I want you to know
And all this time that we've been through
Your the one that keeps me on knowing
that love is a real thing

Why is it hard for you, 
to feel the same as I do
And all this time we've been shared
Your laughter is like a love song
That keeps my heart from beating
And I'm happy that I've found you

I'm glad that I've found you...
I'm happy that I've found you...

And when the right time 
comes for me
I'll take the chance and face the risk
And tell you that...

I Love You...

     Geez....I am so touched with the song that it made me cry. It feels like something cold touches my heart. I don't know if the song means something else but what matters to me is the fact that he put some effort in it to think that I have only given him a day. It's very rare to know someone who'll do everything you've asked for, tolerate your mood swings (lol) and finds time to composed such a sweet song beyond his busy schedule. To you (you know who you are), I always appreciate all the things that you've done for me may it be so little, but the fact that you do it just to make me happy makes my heart melts and in the end let me tell you one thing...

I'm glad that I've found you...

" It's so sweet when someone
     with a good voice sings for you
  But it's sweeter when someone
     sings even if he's out of tune,
  Just to make you happy."

                     - re post

Martes, Mayo 7, 2013


" Expectations is the root of all heart ache" - William Shakespeare.


      It hurts. That's what I'm going through right now. I never imagined myself being in love with a guy. Well at least, not now. I have gone through several crushes and at some sort think that I have fallen in love (though it's not love after all). 

     Before, I just used to listen to my friends sentiment's, comfort them when they had an argument with their bf's, gives pieces of advises and so on. I have witnessed them crying and going through pain. I considered myself lucky by then cause I don't have to go through with what they are feeling at that moment. Now, the irony is that I realized how they all felt during those times. Yes it truly hurts a lot. To loved someone and yet the feeling is not reciprocated at all. 

     I've met a guy though not personally but we had build this attachment to each other. We are close. We talked for several hours, shared secrets, laughed with each other jokes, sang together (if I know the song), he used to sing songs for me to the tune of his guitar, cared for me and I learned a lot from him....including falling in love <3. However, I recently learned from someone I knew of that he doesn't like me and that he likes someone else (awts!). When I heard about it, suddenly everything became blur. Him and me together. But through all this, I still never lose hope...until today when I heard it from him - he likes someone else. 

     I cried in my room. I seek comfort from my friends. Realization struck me that if he likes me in the first place, he would court me. But it's been months since we have met and still we remain as friends (how come I was blinded by this fact). My friends keep on telling me that I can move on and there are a lot of guys still out there. Better than him. Definitely I will, but not now. Time heals. I don't blame him at all and I'm not mad that he doesn't like me back. I never regret falling for him though at the start I always wonder why he came back and hope he never did if this is all I would get from him. I missed the time I was happy and single. But then I made a mistake of expecting from him and assuming things that he likes me too (he treats me special). 

     The funny thing is he comforted me too. He is there for me to cheer me up. All the while he doesn't know that he is the cause of all the pain I'm feeling right now. I tell him that I'm broken. Hurting. He knows the situation but never had an idea who the person is. I would never tell him that it was him. Not now, but someday when all my feelings for him is gone. I know you will tell me that I am insane if I would still get in touch with him. But it's not his fault and it would be unfair to him if I will distant myself just because I am broken hearted. I will continue talking with him (that's the only way for me to still be happy and feel near him). I would act like nothing has changed. Little by little I would teach my self that we aren't meant to be together. We are JUST FRIENDS. No more expectations from him. I know it would be hard at first but I can do it. I am strong and I have live my life without having a guy till at this very moment. 

     Yes, my friend is right. Despite all the pain, I have to keep loving. In some parts of the world there is one who is still not happy because he haven't meet me yet ;). When that time comes, no more "false alarm" that he is the one for me. Thank you guys for being with me...